End Trafficking
30 for Freedom is a movement that exists to end sex trafficking in our lifetime through:
Rescue Operations
Survivor Care
The non-profit organizations we support are Venture, F.R.E.E. International, and Project Rescue
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Do tough things to help people in living in tough places.
Venture rallies people to bike, hike, run, walk, paddle, and swim to help those in need. Venture provides the infrastructure and 501c3 covering for #30forfreedom. Together with Venture's partners, children are rescued from a life of forced sexual slavery and receive aftercare and market skills training.
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F.R.E.E. International
F.R.E.E. works to abolish sex and labor trafficking primarily in the U.S. with innovative collaborations through public and private partnerships.
Find. Successfully collaborating in the fight against human trafficking.
Restore. Bringing services and programs to the vulnerable.
Embrace. Assessing and meeting a victim's immediate needs.
Empower. Providing aftercare services that foster independence.
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We believe in a world free from sexual slavery. Where courageous women and children can live in freedom as fully empowered daughters and sons of God.
Prevention. Education, awareness programs, and residential care.
Intervention. Initiatives to educate and physically rescue.
Restoration. Meeting holistic needs.
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The victims of injustice in our world do not need our spasm of charity, they need our long obedience in the same direction, they need our legs and lungs of endurance.
- Gary Haugen, International Justice Mission (IJM)